Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Art of Giving

In gratitude for God's gift of life to us we should share that gift with others. The art of giving encompasses many areas. It is an outgoing, overflowing way of life.

Emerson said it well: "Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true give is a portion of thyself."

We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the heart: Love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness...

We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the mind: Ideas, dreams, purposes, ideals, principles, plans, inventions, projects, poetry...

We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the spirit: Prayer, vision, beauty, aspiration, peace, faith...

-- Wilfred Peterson, 1960

We give of ourselves when we give the gift of intimacy: Honesty, integrity, vulnerability, authenticity, connection...

We give of ourselves when we give the gift of seduction: Attention, affection, desire, pleasure, intensity, curiosity, excitement...

We give of ourselves when we give the gift of sexuality: Arousal, lust, passion, sucking, fucking, tension, surrender, release, awakening...

-- Jason Savage, 2010


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