Threesome with a Lesbian Couple
This post is an epistolary collection of all the emails and text messages from that encounter. As explained herein, I was really determined to make this happen because it was a unique sort of threesome that I'd never had -- being the plaything for two women in a loving and committed relationship. I was completely open with them about how hot I found the idea.
Looking back, I can tell that my game was a bit overplayed. It was erotically successful by all accounts, but man, did I write a lot to make this seduction happen. I'm glad I did though, because the opportunity really allowed me to spell out a lot of powerful sexual themes. Also, within this correspondence, I describe many of the other types of threesomes I've had.
It started on Craig's List in "Casual Encounters." There is actually a WW4M section. I just checked today to see if it is still a category -- it is -- and for my city there are zero posts. But once upon a time, there was actually a post. When I found it, it was already a week old. I knew they would have already been getting bombarded with horndog requests, and I would really have to rise above the pack to make an impression and lead the encounter.
The post said something really simple like: "Devoted lesbian couple seeks man for a one-time threesome. Send picture for consideration."
Now the first thing to realize about my lengthy response is that I was already using it to intrigue women that post in the Craig's List "Missed Connections." I use this email to captivate and get attention. If they write back and they are cute, I will tailor my approach to the individual women.
The second thing to realize is that, with seduction "the key is to see words as a tool not for communicating true thoughts and feelings but for confusing, delighting and intoxicating" (Greene). Seductive language is used to produce an effect, not to inform or educate.
A couple more notes:
1) This is really long. Get yourself some lube and relax.
2) If you've read other stuff by me, you know that I do recycle themes, especially in texts.
3) I purposefully did not send a photo with the first email, as they requested. I quickly wanted to distinguish myself by my language and attitude instead of being one of the masses trying to impress with their looks or the size of their cocks. I do well in this department, but that should become evident by my attitude.
4) The 3-Minute First Date idea comes from Johnny Soporno.
5) Some things to notice: The mutual respect, candor, openness, intelligence, maturity, appreciation, compassion, and deliberate hotness. Also notice that I brought these things out by going there first, arousing them, and then using strategic takeways (push-pull).
They put out an intention, but I am setting the stage, creating the adventure, and leading.
Let's begin:
This is pretty unbelievable. I had the most intense missed connection today and I came over to Craig’s List…
It took place right there at the Whole Foods on Lamar. I was walking in right as she was walking out. Her clothes were nothing special and I couldn’t quite pinpoint what made her stand out. She just had the subtlest radiance and the most unpretentious beauty. And the eye contact was unmistakable. God, those eyes! I think we both were struck with the idea of “what if?” I felt butterflies in my stomach and my mouth was as dry as a desert. We walked right by each other. I swear I felt warmer as she passed and I caught a faint scent of roses. By the time I gained my composure and ran back out into the parking lot, she was long gone or at least obscured from my frantic view. I kicked myself for the rest of the day for not seizing that one split-second opportunity. For not taking that chance.
So I came to Craig’s List, and after poking around the Missed Connections section, I bounced over here, not really sure why. But I am sure of one thing: The potentiality of fate is often more complex than it first appears. Paths cross in many ways and for many reasons. Your post appealed to me.
I can also tell you this: Getting to know me is probably the best possible way you can spend your time. My opinion, of course. ;-)
So we could talk about work. We could talk about the weather. Or we can have some fun. We can take advantage of our spontaneity and anonymity and really break the ice. Let's play a fun questions game. You get 3 questions and I get 3 questions, but they need to be daring and adventurous. And you have to be honest and detailed with your answers. We’ll take turns.
My mother taught me to be a gentleman, so you can go first…
You are very intriguing.
What are you sexual preferences and/or fantasies?
If we hooked up with you, what are you expecting?
Tell us, in detail, what you envision an experience with us would be like.
I like that you said I am intriguing… That’s a good level to be on.
I think of it like this. Most people aren’t too intriguing, or even interesting, so they try to be impressive. At best. Impressing works like this... You're just drawing attention to yourself. It usually works *to an extent* for people that buy expensive cars, clothes, and things like bottle service.
Then there's people who are interesting. They've got good stories. You're captivated by the things they say. They're usually more about doing things rather than owning things.
But I invite you to think on one more level... Because then there's people who are intriguing. They really make you think. They have more than just your attention, they have your curiosity. You're fascinated. Who is this person? What's he all about? You really want to know more.
So, I’ll tell you a bit more…
First, I come with experience in this area. When I am in a long-term relationship, I only date bisexual women. It comes down to the fact that I want to be with a woman that is open to expressing primal sexual energy and who is unrestrained and unreserved, not just in the bedroom, but with all aspects of her life. Women that allow themselves this natural connection with other women just tend be very open and feminine and nurturing in all ways.
I’ve also had other ‘varieties’ of threesomes:
I’ve been in situations where I invite two bi-curious girls together that do not previously know each other and have not experienced women before. It’s great for me because I get to arouse, stimulate, and do a dual induction massage for them both. I can allow them to imagine this in advance because before we were together as three, I had fucked each one separately and had told each stories about past threesomes. So I’m now the link and the catalyst for their fantasies here. They’re aroused by the idea and they know that I am a man who is comfortable handling two women.
More commonly is a situation where I meet two girls that are friends or best friends, and bi-curious, but certainly not interested in ‘dating’ each other. It’s a totally different scenario. In this case, the girls have a shared history and I am just a plaything. I have no problem escalating and making things perfect for them, but I do have to accept that I am basically a toy. Quality problem, right? ;-) It’s more about them having this shared experience and this incredibly juicy memory together as friends.
What you propose is entirely unique and exactly the fantasy that I have yet to experience: To be the plaything for two girls who are indeed a couple. You guys have such a strong bond, such a loving connection. And I get to be this aspect of your shared life. Like reading the same bestseller, or seeing the same hit movie, or eating a sensual meal together. To me, that’s the height of eroticism.
It’s fascinating because sexual experience is so subjective. What is merely ‘great’ for one of you might be an absolutely over-the-top unforgettably fantastic and filthy experience for the other. This just goes to show that the best sex is based on only two things …
First, you need excitement, enthusiasm and passion for the lovers that you are with.
And second, you have confidence in your own sexual ability. It’s one thing to love sex. But it’s another thing to be really good at it.
That said, I have only two rules.
My first rule is that I would not want to have this experience ONCE unless we at least felt potential from the start that we would want it again. In other words, I would never have the expectation of a one-night stand. If there’s chemistry – the kind that just makes you dizzy with desire, finding it difficult to even stand up straight – then we should extend that experience without restriction or limitation. So maybe we’d have a two- or three-night stand...
The second rule is that we use protection – its just proper respect for you, your partner and myself.
But fuck, we’re really getting caught in the moment and getting ahead of ourselves. We really need to meet and get to know each other.
And some pictures are in order! What’s your Myspace?
From your emails, you seem like a really thoughtful, intelligent, and respectful person which is what we're looking for. However, we need to make it clear that having a threesome is, at this point, probably going to be a one-time thing for us. We are open to the possibility of a second time (at most). But, for now, one time is what we can handle.
We'd like to make it clear that before anything physical happens, we need to speak to you and meet you for coffee (or something similar) at some point... just to sort of break the ice. Do you have an aim screen name or yahoo messenger screen name?
We've attached a picture of ourselves. Send us one of yourself. We just want a general idea of what you look like.
I appreciate your quick reply and also the acknowledgement of the thought and effort I put into my communications.
Thank you for the picture. I have to say that you both are very sexy and you look like you make an adorable couple. How long have you been together? What is your partner's name and which one is you in the picture? I do hate to assume.
I thought I had sent a picture with the initial email, but I guess not. BTW, I have just turned 30, but I am told I look much younger.
I understand that you call the shots. I guess my point before was to simply let you know that I am comfortable in the situation and I have no problem escalating once basic boundaries are set. Unless you want to give verbal direction throughout. Again, you call the shots.
To meet up for a drink before hand is a given. To break the ice and test for chemistry is a must. At this point I am just telling you that I find you both attractive, I find the scenario appealing, and I pretty much know what I'm doing.
I don't know if you're aware, but to some guys, foreplay is not a means to an end, but more like a philosophy of life.
Nice pictures. Well, I guess I can tell you a little bit about us. J is not either of our names. It's a pseudonym for safety purposes. I'm A (black hair), and my girlfriend's name is H (red hair). We've been together for a little over two years. I'm not sure how you feel about height, but we're pretty short. I stand at about 5'0" or 5'1". H is about 5'2" or 5'3". I weight about 105 lbs, and H weights about 110 lbs (I think). We're somewhat petite, but neither of us really has an athletic build. We're both 21. Neither one of us stands on any extreme side as far femininity or masculinity is concerned. In other words, we're not really girly, but we're certainly not butch. Although, H is a little more feminine than I am. I'd say that I have more of a tomboy style.
I understand what you're saying about foreplay. My girlfriend has had sex with a man before so she's a little comfortable with that. I, however, have never had sex with a man, so I'm not as comfortable with that. I can guarantee foreplay, but not sex. I'm not saying it's not an option --it's just not a guarantee.
What else would you like to know about us? Is there more information about yourself that you would like to share with us?
There are plenty of things I would like to know.
You say that you have never had sex with a man, but I am curious as to what other experiences you have had with men and more importantly where your attraction lies currently.
Do you enjoy kissing men? Do you find yourself fantasizing about or checking out men? Do you find the penis to be sexy at all? What is the sexiest part of a man’s body? What do you hope to get out of making love to a man and a woman at the same time?
I’d love to see more pictures, but I can assure you, that I think you two are a sexy couple. I definitely gravitate toward women that are 5’0” to 5’3” and ‘somewhat petite.’ And I definitely like your tomboy style – attraction is such a complementary thing that we really have no choice over; certain looks just do it for us.
We can certainly meet up for coffee, but one practical question. Would you want some alcohol involved if we all decide to get together? I’ve never heard a juicy threesome story that started out, “So we were all completely sober…” ;-) So what’s your drink of choice?
Well, my experiences with men are pretty limited. In the past, I've had not so serious relationships with guys. By that I mean that they didn't last long and they were somewhat platonic. I've kissed many guys, and I've had a few experiences giving and receiving oral sex with them. As far as where my attraction lies currently, I think the extent of it is that I'm curious about experiencing pleasure with men. It's hard to explain where I stand with my sexuality. I don't feel that I could ever say that I'm strictly a lesbian. I believe that, for most, sexuality is fluid and it really depends on the person. But since I have mostly exposed myself to women, it has created a curiosity as to what a sexual experience with a man would be like, especially because it's also been awhile since I've done anything with a man.
Do I enjoy kissing men? Yes. Do I find myself fantasizing about or checking out men? The fantasies have been pretty minimal (I'm just not a fantasy kind of person in general), but I do check out men. Do I find the penis to be sexy at all? That definitely depends. Not all penises are the same (like vaginas, as you probably already know), and therefore not all are attractive. If you'd like to send a picture of yours, I can give you a better idea of how I feel. What do I hope to get out of making love to a man and a woman at the same time? I'll be honest: I'm just hoping for a good, arousing time.
I've told you a lot about me (and I'm willing to tell you more), but is there anything you want to know about my girlfriend?
And, yes, alcohol would be great. I hear you on the sober thing. That was pretty funny.
We've attached some more pictures of us. Can we have more of you?
Talk to you soon.
Thanks for telling me more about your experience with and attraction toward men. Of course I want to know more about H, but I really respect your role as intermediary here. You can give my email to her if you like and we will chat. Otherwise, I know that we will all meet up soon and get to know each other in person.
What I propose is this: We should all get together and cook dinner. I can tell you that the best way to get to know someone is sharing an activity together. And we all have to eat. We should actually meet and do the grocery shopping together as well. We can cook at your place if you like, but I do have a big clean kitchen and I know how to use it.
What do you guys like to eat? I am not a vegetarian, but it is cool if you guys are. Fate must have good taste because this is a unique week in the sense that I have more nights free than I do not. I do concert photography for local publications and I don’t have a solid show until Sunday the 10th.
As for us making a dinner date, just call me. Number: #
As for more pictures, just link to my Myspace.
PS. I don’t do cock-shots; I just have more respect for myself than that. ;-)
JS: LA area code, huh? What brought you to Austin?
GS: I’ve been everywhere. Austin is the live music capital of the world. That and there are a lot of sexy and open-minded girls here.
JS: Serious question that we’ve been leaving out: Do you have a girlfriend?
GS: I’m still guessing who this is, but the answer is no.
JS: We’ll let’s hear your best guess.
GS: Did you see Rilo Kiley last October? Did you see Dylan at ACL? When was the last time you were in DC?
JS: I couldn’t make either of those shows because of school and I’m still mad about it. The last time I was in DC was almost a year ago. So you know who this is.
GS: Who? What? ;-)
JS: So I’m assuming the emoticon indicates that we’re on the same page. I think I found your digital portfolio. Very interesting.
GS: I was young and needed the money! Don’t judge!
JS: Wait. I don’t think that’s the right one. There was a link on that page to a Myspace and this guy is from Oregon, and doesn’t look like you.
GS: Link on what page? Not me for sure. Try again cyber sleuth.
JS: Do you want to go ahead and confirm my request on Myspace so that I can see your profile?
GS: Sure. But you have to leave nice photo comments. And you have to write me a limerick. ;-)
JS: You got it.
JS: Interesting choice of books.
GS: That site used to be my business site. I used to teach cooking classes on aphrodisiacs and arousal. Hence the name. Please respond on Myspace.
(she puts up a limerick)
GS: Amateur. ;-) It’s stylistically correct but so impersonal. So what excites your more guiltless pleasure or intense adventure?
JS: I’m more prone to guiltless pleasure, but intense adventure excites me more.
GS: Are you ready for the next chapter in your own personal romance? This is really a ‘Once upon a time’ tale and not ‘happily ever after.’ You already have that.
JS: I have very personal questions about your genitals. When is it okay to start talking about those?
GS: Ask what you like, but I’m not sending dick pics. Did you get my email today?
JS: We got your email. H is writing a response right now. Oh and I don’t need pictures. I completely understand. I don’t and wouldn’t send pictures of myself for the same reason. So my questions (I have lots): Are you circumcised? Do you shave/trim? Do you prefer that we shave or trim? How many inches are you?
GS: Take this back to email. I am busy working now – but I will answer when I am done.
GS: Got the email from H. I will respond tonight. No dick questions from her… Now I see who the perv is… ;-)
JS: You got me there…
This is H now, writing to you from the email address that A and I set up for the exclusive purpose of finding a good candidate for our threesome. So far it's been mostly A communicating with you (with me looking over her shoulder). I've been letting her take the reins on this because it was she who approached me about having a threesome, and I know that I'm more comfortable with men sexually than she is, so I wanted to let her do this on her terms to make sure she's comfortable throughout. But I'm also quite curious to talk to you especially since your communications have far outshone all the other responses.
It's so strange. I've never tried to find a sex partner via internet before, and it feels an awful lot like we're looking for an employee or something. Thinking in terms of 'applicants', etc. Not to suggest in any way that this experience is more business than pleasure. I think we're all hoping for none of the former, more of the latter.
As A told you, I've had a sex with a man before, but it has been over two years. I still find men attractive and I admit that I was pleasantly surprised when A asked me about having a threesome. I had proposed the idea to her before (about a year ago) but for various reasons it didn't happen at the time.
So, I'd like to ask you some questions--feel free to disregard any and all.
What do you like, sexually?
Are you into anything unusual (other than threesomes)?
What do you think about when you masturbate (assuming that you masturbate, of course)?
What turns you on most about being with two girls at once?
What are your favorite sexual positions?
Would it turn you on to watch Amanda fuck me with a strap-on?
Do you like it when women are dominating, submissive, or a combination?
And now that I've thoroughly interrogated you, please feel free to return the favor.
Great to talk to the other half of J. I knew it was a pseudonym, but what could I do except be a good sport and play along? But I do understand - you have to be smart about these Internet things.
And like you said, you do kind of have to run it like a business. You want an arousing good-time on your terms. I feel like you want a guy with the right level of experience, and enthusiasm, and chemistry. You immediately throw out all the applicants that send dick pictures. That's just a little too try-hard and pretty immature. You throw out the guys that seem to want it too much for their own selfish reasons. You already know that for him sex is reduced to a strictly physical act, and I doubt reality will match his fantasy.
And if you’re really smart, you throw out any guy that doest have specific experience with two women at the same time. A guy with no experience in this area will make it uncomfortable for you. He will be as clumsy as a virgin, as he is in this regard.
You have to understand that this is like the 'holy grail' for some guys. They lust after this their whole lives, but they have no clue how to make it happen and happen contentedly for the women involved. You have to be comfortable with your own sexuality and your own desires and you have to have come to certain realizations on your own. One is that sexuality and sexual orientation is very fluid and highly personal. And two is that the opposite of pleasure is pressure. The more you pursue something, the more it will retreat from you.
All I can tell you is, as fate would have it, I found your post quite by accident. As I have conveyed, I have been with multiple women multiple times, and I am enthusiastic about the proposition as it is a very specific threesome that I have yet to have – two girls together as a couple in a loving and committed relationship where there can be no sense of jealousy or competition over me.
So, that said, I commend you on treating this like a business. Just remember that the application gets you the interview – it’s the interview that gets you the job. :-)
I will entertain your questions, but I give one reminder: There’s a lot to be said for personal chemistry. When you meet potential sexual partners, whether girls or guys, you don’t give them these lists of questions. You get together and hang out and get a feel for the attraction and chemistry. It’s not really something you can put your finger on, but just sharing an activity for an hour will tell you basically all you need to know…
But back to the application. ;-)
What do you like, sexually? Are you into anything unusual (other than threesomes)?
Well, I should repeat to you that threesomes are not unusual to me.
Otherwise, I take a slight interest in the dominance and submission aspect of BDSM. (I hesitate to bring it up because people immediately start picturing whips and restraints and it’s not like this at all.) It’s really about the voluntary exchange of power. It’s a lot to get into in writing, but as an example, when you have complete trust, I can disallow you to touch yourself as I fuck you until a certain point and you’ll find that when I grant you that permission, the intensity of the orgasm has built beyond what it would have been if not.
What do you think about when you masturbate?
Masturbating is all about the visuals while actual sex is more about physical feelings. Of course masturbation is about the physical feelings too, but the visuals drive the experience and provide most of the excitement. When you're using your imagination you keep flipping between different scenarios until you hit on one that does it for you – usually for me it involves two girls. When I watch porn I almost exclusively watch clips that involve a guy and two girls.
And this is exactly why you want a guy that has had experience with two women and not just fantasized about it through porn…
While sex give you something to look at, you're hardly sitting in a chair watching a scene that has been shot from a distance at an angle that gives you a good view.
When you fuck, you're usually too close to her to see much of anything. Your eyes are probably closed, or if they're open they may not be focused on anything in particular. You're probably kissing her or you may have your head nuzzled in her neck. You concentrate on the tactile sensations; my dick going in and out, your bodies pressed together, her hands scratching your back, her breath on your cheek, how hot you are, the sweat forming on the small of your back, your hands caressing her, kissing, and other various little nuances.
And then there are the sounds and smell: body parts slapping together, her breathing and moaning, the smell of latex, sweat, breath, pussy, etc.
When a guy has not had a threesome and has only watched porn, he will mistakenly associate the visual act he’s witnessed in porn with the sensations he's given himself jerking off as an uninvolved observer. He cannot relate to the actual sensations and subtleness of the experience, much less actually please two women.
What are your favorite sexual positions?
People talk about positions like they are simple, cut-and-dry things. I guess there are only like 5 basic positions but the variations are endless. So what I really like are the subtleties that come from how you position your legs, the position of her legs, how deep inside her you are in a resting position, the angle you're thrusting in, the position of your upper body, how high or low your hips are on her body, and how your bodies fit together. What works best for one girl may not work for the other. The idea of good sex is to play around with these variations in position to find a way that feels good for both of you (or all three of us).
What turns you on most about being with two girls at once?
I love the beautiful reality of REAL girls: What their bodies look like when they're naked (tits, ass, curves, birth marks, blemishes, and everything), what their bodies physically feel like (firmness, smoothness, overall proportions), what specific unique parts of them look and feel like (hair, breasts, legs, mouth), their style in bed and what their technique is like for certain things (kissing, oral, fucking).
The more the merrier, I suppose… It's erotic to see more than one pair of breasts rubbing each other while two girls kiss. And as good as I am at giving a girl oral, I’m still in awe when I see real girls that are deeply in-tuned and connected to each other eating out and getting each other off.
Let’s be blunt, who doesn’t want to be licked and fucked at the same time?
What about you, I know you are already turned on just thinking about watching me eat out and fuck your girlfriend.
It turns you on thinking about me watching you two, soaking in the closeness you have as you kiss, lick and suck each other. It turns you on thinking about me touching and caressing your bodies and whichever parts seem to need attention in the moment. You want me licking your pussy right next to your girlfriend as we both lick until you are ready to pop. Can you appreciate the contrasting differences in our tongues and touches?
You’re excited that I’m really turned on watching you both fuck each other with your fingers and tongues and strap-on. You want to guide my raging erection into your girlfriend’s wet pussy. You want my hard cock gently and then fully and deeply filling your own mouth and pussy.
You want to suck on your girl’s pussy while you get fucked from behind. Each thrust pushing you further into her, allowing your tongue to go deeper and deeper into her wet pussy. Your face is covered with her juice just as your pussy is filled with cock. Have you thought about the intensity of the orgasms you can have when getting fucked and satisfying your girl at the same time?
And what about when you’re on your back and she on top – in an erotic sixty-nine – and I take turns fucking each of you… When I’m deep inside of you, can you concentrate on both licking and sucking her clit and also licking me as I thrust into her?
Oh, and A…
I am circumcised. I do shave my testicles and I keep it very trimmed on top. Yes, I would like for you to trim if you don’t already. (As full-time pussy eaters, I would find it surprising if you don’t already, especially around the labia.) As far as size, I am well-endowed by any measure, but not to the extent that you will suffer injury… at least not permanent injury. ;-)
Some things can only be experienced in person. Let’s have dinner. If we can’t even have fun picking out groceries and cooking, then all bets are off.
Sorry it took me a while to respond.
A's been feeling awful lately, so I've been spending most of my time taking care of her and doing school stuff as well. We've decided that, contingent upon her feeling better, we'd like to meet up with you on Saturday evening. Assuming you're available, of course.
Shopping for groceries and cooking together sounds like a fun way to get to know each other. We're not vegetarians, but A's fairly picky. What about homemade pizza? I hear you're some sort of gourmet aphrodisiac chef, so maybe we'd better let you set the menu. What did you have in mind?
We were thinking we could meet at a grocery store, shop together, and follow you to your place, where we'd cook and eat and converse, if that's all right with you.
By the way, your email was pretty steamy... I had been imagining some of those exact scenarios you described so well, and the ones I hadn't thought of before, I've been thinking about since. I appreciate your willingness to answer all of my invasive personal questions and invite you to ask me some too, if you like. Incidentally, I am also attracted to the power exchange aspects of BDSM, and I tend to take on a more submissive role when we've introduced that to the bedroom in the past (I actually do like restraints, so don't worry about scaring me off by talking about that). But, it's definitely an issue of trust, as I'm sure you know, so that probably won't be an aspect of our experience together. Not that I thought you were asking or implying that. Just letting you know I'm into similar things. And, for some reason, I do get really turned on by the thought of watching A having sex with someone else, and by the idea of having someone else watching us. I guess I have both voyeur and exhibitionist tendencies, then, since both of those concepts are exciting for me.
Well, we're off to bed, but do let us know if Saturday evening works for you.
Saturday it is.
I do hope A starts feeling better – how lucky she is to have you looking after her. Otherwise – I don’t know how busy you guys are during the week – but I don’t have any more Saturdays available for a long time… I have a show on the 16th and on the 23rd. After that, we start heading into SXSW territory.
So I really hope she has a rapid recovery! You should know that I live really close to an HEB – we’ll get ingredients and make a homemade pizza . I’ll call you guys tonight and bless you with my seductive voice for the first time. ;-) And, more importantly we’ll work out time and directions.
I do have to warn you, I don’t kiss on the first date.
But, the good news is, first dates are never longer than 30 minutes…
Think of it this way, why would we want to force each other to make-nice all night? We’re going to know within the first half hour if there’s chemistry. We’re going to know if there’s attraction almost immediately. If it isn’t going to happen, we might as well cut it and run. Respectfully, we’ll recognize that it’s not going to happen and move on.
However, if we’re getting along well enough and we’re having a really great time… we can cut the first date and move right into the second date... And, for this, all you should know is that I have a comfortable king size bed. ;-)
So, just in case we find ourselves getting along and we want to move onto our second date, I have one important request:
From now until then, I want neither of you to masturbate and I want you to refrain from hooking up with each other in any capacity beyond kissing. The point is not to deprive you of what feels good, but to give every molecule in your body a sense of anticipation and delayed gratification. I want you two to come to me in love and savoring lust, so that we can begin -- if the chemistry is present -- to build you a whole new sensuality as you awaken fully and fulfill your erotic desires. There is pleasure in anticipation, and there is pleasure in surrender… It’s three whole days, but I think you can handle it. ;-)
GS: What’s up? Tongue got your cat?
JS: Clever. We’re actually watching a movie. How are you keeping yourself occupied at the moment?
GS: No worries. Just write when you can. Hope the last email made your temperature rise and H's pussy perpetually aching and wet… ;-)
JS: You definitely say the right things, man. We’ll be emailing you later once the movie is over. Hey, you ready for this? I got strep yesterday.
GS: You were diagnosed with strep yesterday? That’s not good. Make sure you complete the course of antibiotics or you could be at risk of getting scarlet fever. Be well.
JS: Well, I didn’t get diagnosed. I just feel crappy.
GS: Well don’t guess. If you have strep, you need antibiotics. Have H take you to a doctor.
This is A. I hope I feel better by this Saturday, too. Like you, we have some busy weekends ahead of us. What are the alternatives if I'm not better by then? Would you be willing to wait until we're both free again (although it might be a while)? Just let me know what the next move will be if I'm not well by then.
Just so you'll know, I probably won't be able to talk to you when you call. I kind of have a squeaky voice because of my sore throat. I'll just have H talk to you, but we'll put you on speaker so that I can be blessed with hearing your voice.
Hey, and about the 1st date/2nd date thing, I think we are all on the SAME page. I was trying to figure out how we'd work it out if someone wasn't interested. The only thing I could come up with is the same thing that you did: just be frank. We'll all be honest as soon as we know, and I think that 30 minutes is a reasonable time to figure that out.
It's gonna be hard for H and I to avoid touching each other, but we'll try. I realize the benefits of waiting, and those might outweight the benefits of immediate orgasms.
We're off to the store. We'll be back around 9pm or so. Can't wait to hear from you.
I called and wished her a rapid recovery. There was some small talk about what they are studying in school. They put me on speaker phone. H had a really sexy voice and A's was scratchy as she said it would be. I ended the brief call with a non-sexual Kokology test.
Hi. This is A. I hope I don't upset you, but I've been thinking about tomorrow a lot, and bottom line... I just don't think I'm ready yet. I mean, I know this is something that I want to do, but I feel like tomorrow is just too soon.
I realize that you will be really busy for many weekends to come, but, when you find yourself with a free weekend, please tell us. Because, again, I want to do this, but I just don't feel that I'm exactly ready yet. I still want to keep getting to you know you in order to gain more trust in you. Does all of this make sense? Let me know what you think.
Well, I admit that I am a little sad because I know that you are positively missing out on the time of your life.
But, I believe you have to do what feels right when it feels right. Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly. As far as keeping in touch, I think that would be great – you guys are really sweet and I enjoy talking to you. But could you do me one little favor?
Convince me that you are not still "interviewing" guys. I know that with this sense of exclusivity, we can gain trust much more completely.
I really appreciate your understanding. As far as convincing you that we're not still "interviewing," I will try my best:
We've known for a few days now that you were the one we wanted to do this with. As soon as we got responses, we deleted everyone's email that didn't contain pictures (interestingly enough, I don't think you sent us a picture in the first message, but we responded because we were deeply intrigued).
After that, we deleted everyone's email that had pictures we didn't care much for. After that, we deleted those who sent pictures of their penises. After that, we were left with about 5 guys. Of those guys, we only sent more than one email to two: you and another man named Kevin.
We talked to Kevin before we really talked to you, and, on Sunday or so, we agreed to possibly meet up with him on Thursday (the Thursday that just passed) for coffee or something. He told us to inform him between Sunday and Thursday if we changed our minds. However, we completely forgot about him, and we haven't talked to him since Sunday (I guess we should email him to tell him we're not interested).
So... for the past week, you are the only person we've been talking to. I hope this convinces you. If it doesn't, I don't know what will.
Talk to you soon.
Well, I am convinced indeed.
In fact, I feel deeply honored that you would share this intimate aspect of your lives with me. And I really admire your desire as a couple to find positive, creative approaches to cultivating lasting pleasure. Sometimes you just have to be a bit aggressive about getting the experiences in life that you deserve. It’s you’re responsibility to make sure you are flooded with pleasure and satisfaction – physically, emotionally, intellectually, and sexually.
I’m going to be pretty busy this week, but I wanted to ask you some things. I was thinking I could ask you three questions and then ask H three questions. Maybe I will ask the same things, or maybe come up with different ones. Of course you will share the questions and responses with each other, but only one person will be writing to me. Got it? Hope so because I’m going to fire away. Okay, A, these questions are for you…
Thinking of all the ways that H differs from you as a person, what one difference do you treasure the most?
Who initiates sex more often, you or H? When one of you feels like having sex, how does she let the other know? Ideally, how do you like sex initiated?
If all your responsibilities were suspended while you and H took a one-month all-expenses-paid vacation to the place of your choice, where would you go? Would you choose some other place if you were taking the vacation by yourself?
So there you go… the sooner you can answer, the quicker H will get hers. Hope you are feeling much better these days…
I'll leave the answers to the questions at the end of the email my in an attempt to have you anticipate the answers.
First of all, you say you're busy this week. This week is really bad for me, too (2 tests). And this weekend is a no-go as well. We'll be having some company. After that, next week shouldn't be TOO terrible, and next weekend should be pretty open. Are you generally free on week nights?
For week nights, we're generally free on weekdays, except for Tuesdays. So, with that, let us know what days look good for you starting AFTER the 17th.
I think by postponing this just a little bit longer, the pleasure that we will all be experiencing will be even more heightened. In the end, everyone wins.
I have some questions for you:
You say that you've had a lot of experience with women, threesomes, etc. Tell me about your worst experience, and tell me about your absolute favorite experience.
What have you yet to do with a woman that you are still fantasizing about?
Last question/request: describe what you imagine the scenario to be like when the three of us finally get together.
H is more physically affectionate with me than any other person I've been with, and definitely more physically affectionate than I've ever been with anyone else. Somehow, she has managed to help me easily transgress from being uptight to being very physically affectionate with her.
H definitely initiates sex more often. For the most part, when we initiate sex, we kiss in such a way that we are letting the other one know that we hope for more than kissing. Instead of just turning over to kiss H, I will usually get on top of her and kiss her while observing her responses. If she is just as excited to kiss me as I am to kiss her, I begin slowly touching her entire body. She will then reciprocate, and it continues from there. I am very satisfied with our means of initiating sex, and I'm not sure I can think of something better.
Vacation... let's see. I have to say that I've always wanted to go to New York with or without H. It's something we talk about a lot. I would love to just get lost in New York. As soon as we each have sufficient funds and time, that's where we're going together.
Well, there you go. Can't wait to hear your responses. H can't wait to hear your questions.
So A gave me some questions that I’m working on responses to, but I was already working on some questions for you, H. Here they are, take your time…
What is the best thing you have discovered about A since you became involved with each other? In what ways have you grown to respect her more as time has passed?
When did you find out the most about what pleases you sexually? What was it that you learned? Have you discovered more about yourself through being in this long-standing relationship or through shorter periods of intimacy with different lovers?
What is the most selfless and romantic thing that you have done for A? Have you found that you put more energy into romance when you were first getting to know her or after you were involved in a long-termrelationship?
These questions were never answered, read on...
This is all you get for now...
The worst experience I have had in the context of threesomes was the first MFM threesome that I have had. The guy involved was a really good guy friend of mine when I lived in LA. The girl involved was a girl that I had been with once just as the two of us and once in the context of a very hot and erotic MFF threesome. She really wanted two guys at once and I helped her achieve this fantasy. I think it was not so odd having another guy fucking this girl with me, but the simple fact that this was a guy I knew well in non-sexual contexts and a guy I had known longer than the girl involved. All I can say is that the two of us (the guys) could not stay focused. We were laughing too much. For example, when one of us was getting our dick sucked and the other was plowing her from behind, we would just start cracking up if we looked each other in the eyes. I just felt like maybe I wasn’t giving the girl all the attention and delight that I could, because it was really having this fun, albeit odd, bonding experience with my friend. It probably didn’t help that she set up a camera and was filming the whole thing.
So, my best experience within the context of threesomes is a bit unusual as well. It was a scenario in which I was on vacation in Montreal and I ended up hooking up with this girl that I met at a music festival. The next day, I hooked up with a different girl (I’m a slut, I know.) On the third day, I was cooking dinner with the second girl and I asked her if it was okay if I invited the first girl over. I told her all about the sexual experience that I had shared with the other girl. So from the start, there was complete openness and honesty. Long story short, I had them both on my balcony that overlooks one of the busiest streets in the city and I started this dual induction massage. It’s this awesome massage technique that I learned from this guru I met in San Diego where the hands of two people move on you simultaneously with the exact same movements. Needless to say, they started getting along quite well and I just watched as they started kissing and necking and caressing each other’s breasts. I started going down on one girl as I fingered the other. This is all right on the balcony only three stories above the street full of people. After a few hot and heavy minutes, we took it to the bedroom. And that’s all you get for now...
There is a fascinating twist to it all, but you can ask me the rest in person...
To quickly wrap up that story... both girls that I had made love to exactly once before our threesome both had squirting orgasms when I fucked them during the threesome. Neither had done so when we made love as as a couple, and neither had squirted at all before. It was the most erotic syncronicity that you could imagine. Completely true.
GS: “Sex between a man and a woman can be wonderful. Provided you get between the right man and the right woman.” Hope you are feeling better.
JS: Well, lucky me. I think I found both.
GS: Answering your email now. Can H take her questions right now as well?
JS: She can. She’s ready.
GS: Give me a minute. But here is a freebie for you both: Do you think your friends think your sex life is more or less kinky than it actually is. Explain.
JS: I think they know exactly how kinky it is. We’re very open about our sex life with them, and for the record, Hannah and I are the most sexually active in our circle of friends.
GS: Sent you an email. (above)
JS: Hannah and I have been talking. I’m starting to come around to the idea of tonight. What are your thoughts? (8:45)
GS: No homemade pizza? I was looking forward to a full proper seduction. :-) Should I just chill the wine and light the candles?
JS: Well, neither one of us is good at drinking and driving. What do you think about coming over here? We can just do drinks and talk for the first date.
GS: No fair though, you guys started drinking without me...
JS: We’ve only had one each, but we’ll stop till you get here. Also: we have a no sleepover policy. Sorry.
GS: You don’t have to stop till I get there. Why do you have a no sleep over policy? Have you had threesomes with other girls? What side of town are you on anyway?
JS: We haven’t had them before, but not sleeping over just something I feel comfortable with. We live in Georgetown.
GS: That's pretty far. What are you drinking?
JS: We’re drinking margaritas.
GS: Okay, go ahead and email me directions. I will call after a quick shower. I live in south Austin, so have another drink…
JS: Will you bring condoms, or should we go get some?
GS: Haha. Yeah I have those. But remember, chemistry first. ;-)
(showered and got directions with a brief call and left)
GS: I am on the 35 now. Last request: You should wear your best perfume and sexy skirts. Were you able to resist touching each other these past few days?
JS: Well, we don’t wear skirts. Can’t comply with that. We touched each other, but we didn’t let each other have orgasms.
GS: Damn, I have a real thing for sexy lesbians in skirts. ;-) At exit 250, there’s construction.
JS: Sorry to disappoint you.
GS: No disappointment. Only excitement… anticipation… and 5 exits…
JS: Again: Complete honesty from everyone within the first 30 minutes.
GS: Agreed.
The moment of truth. I arrive and I'm welcomed inside their apartment. It hadn't even occured to me that they actually live together. They're both even sexier than I ever expected.
It all led up to this, and I'm prepared. I start leading the conversation... and I've got the whole physical escalation planned. And interestingly, we did not drink at all.
I ask them how they liked to hold hands. Like this, or like this? Showed them some amazing touch tests that I like... finger length, how well do you know your body?... and here begins the dual induction massage...
I quickly realized that H (the one who had been with a man before) was extremely turned-on and tuned-in to the idea. A (the one I'd corresponed with initially and the most often) was the one that would have to be won over. So I needed her as my conspirator.... so we're simultaneously massaging her girfirend.... and once she saw how aroused H was getting, it was a simple eye code and I was dragged to the bedroom.
I had brought some music... I kept it simple with some Theivery Corporation... and had H put it on the computer, and then we began undressing A. It was all so slow and sensual. Then we undressed H, and now my clothes were being slowly peeled off.
I'm standing and their both kneeling before me like good girls. H takes my cock in her mouth first and it feels exquisite. She shares with her girlfriend. Her lips are less certain, but it feels incredible. By now I've got H up on the bed and I'm going down on her. A comes up and we share her girlfriend's pussy. I'm fingering them and massaging them and everyone's sucking pussy. For at least an hour it was just kissing, caressing and threeway oral. Just a hot writhing triad of erotic desire on one tiny bed.
A lines up her girlfriend -- who's a tight little redhead by the way -- for my penetration. Remeber this is the one that's been filled by dick before. She's really soft and feminine and it turns out she's been craving cock for some time. She wildly fucks and is extremely orgasmic. The kind of girl that shakes and quivers when she climaxes. She came a couple times as I took her from behind as she ate her girlfriend's pussy and took her standing up while her girlfriend would lick her clit.
Then, A, the virgin -- a petite brunette -- says she's ready. She wants to feel my manhood. We lay her down, and you can tell she's nervous, but her girl's comforting her as I caress her and slowly try to gently ease inside. I was just in a couple inches and before I could give her any depth or rhythym, she says it's too much. I hold for a minute, but it's really too much and I pull out. We both kiss and caress and comfort her. There's a lot more oral all around and H comes hard again as I finger fuck her and go down on her girlfriend. H starts ridding my cock while A's riding my face -- I can't see a thing, but I know the're making out above me. There's a period of cuddling. They take my condom off and I enjoy watching them share my cock while deeply looking into my eyes.
There's more kissing, more cuddling, and after good three hours of making love, I knew I had to pull myself away... and leave them basking in the intimacy and devotion of their own loving relationship.

Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing this intimate experience with all of us!
GoneSavage is every bit as experienced as this post indicates. I know because I've watched him in field multiple times. He knows exactly what to say. He has a refreshing approach that is completely different from the rest the community.
Awesome post. This is classic GoneSavage!
What really, really stands out to me is how you clearly articulate what you want, without shame, but also make just as certain to ensure the girls are comfortable. You are confident and decisive, but you let the girls know they are free to decide whatever they want, and you will be cool with it and not judge them for it.
Learned a lot from this. But then again, I always learn a lot from you whenever we hang out. :)
Wow! I want to be like Savage when I grow up.
Hey GS this is totally trippy you hooked up with some bisexual cuties off the NET?!? Thats pretty ridiculous and you know off the radar screen of some people. Your inspiring me and rekindeling my passion for the erotic arts of venusian artistery.
David G,
I had to stop reading about a third of the way in ... you definitely know what you're doing ... but then again, I already knew that ;-)
"I had to stop reading about a third of the way in ... you definitely know what you're doing ..."
I told you that you would not be able to handle it all at once ... just try to take in a little at a time.
Man, I love your stories! Thanks for sharing this, it really kept me engaged and brought back some good memories of the good old days hanging out with you.
For those of you who haven't met GoneSavage in the real world, I can attest to you that he is the real deal. He changed my life and really took my relationships with women to the next level. For that, I am forever grateful and appreciative of my encounter meeting him in Vancouver, Canada.
If you ever get the opportunity to meet or hangout with this guy, do it! I can guarantee that your life will be better off for it. I have stories and have witnessed things in a week hanging out with GoneSavage that will blow your reality... :)
Looking forward to hearing more,
Hey GoneSavage,
This was mindblowing. I've read some of your other threesome reports before, which I came across in your mASF archive, but this was amazing.
There are a few things I want to comment on. The first is the remarkable patience you showed when the initial meeting was repeatedly postponed. Did you feel any frustration? or feel you were being tested?
Also the language you used in the emails was excellent, setting a nice balance between being respectful and understanding, but also bold and leading the interactions more and more. You write beautifully.
One thing I am curious about. From reading some of your earlier reports from 2005, you did a lot of cold approaching with great results. I am interested as to why you started to use sites like Craig's List, as online game is very different from cold approach work.
Are you just looking for new ways to challenge yourself?
A great report and thanks for sharing!
At your request...
Having done the Craigslist thing on occasion to find partners, seeing that interaction, the email exchange, some things were so very cliche to that type of encounter. Part of me wants to break it down into little bits and analyze it. Not aggressively, more a source of curiousity. Whenever a conversation shifts the way yours did, where it becomes so very obvious how things are going, what phrasing and flow you're using, it boggles me how girls eat it up. Sure, they were young, and they were looking for a partner that would fit a certain bill and you presented it, everyone had fun, enjoyed themselves, they had a new experience, you had a desired variation on an old one. It's just the language that kills me. Words sink into me and if they don't vibrate right... just doesn't work. I think it's very obvious I prefer a brutal writing style to a flowery, delicate one. When you seduce and post the written work online, it almost has this feminine cast on it. Which, of course, works. Feminine dandy operating theory and all.
I also found that you had a lot of patience with these girls. Quite a story indeed.
Regarding the past threesome you mentioned in your email exchange (the one on the balcony with the girls who both squirted), you forgot to mention that when you picked up girl #2, we were actually hanging out with girl #1 and her friend. I waited with both of them as you went sarging into the festival crowd for 10 minutes (a gay festival, no less). Girl #1 was impatient and got even more pissed off when you came back with girl #2 at your side. And then 3 days later you actually got girl #1 and girl #2 to eat each other (and more...) Until this day I tell that story to people. Good times... You are truly amazing...
>>>There are a few things I want to comment on. The first is the remarkable patience you showed when the initial meeting was repeatedly postponed. Did you feel any frustration? or feel you were being tested?
No. At that point in the seduction I did not feel I was being tested. I was not frustrated. It seemed like such a given, I just had to build more trust. Even if it was a deliberate test, I was not affected by the equivocation. Instead, I accepted the frame and increased attention. I knew my sexually charged questions and nonjudgemental attitude would actually pull them back on track. And it did.
>>>Also the language you used in the emails was excellent, setting a nice balance between being respectful and understanding, but also bold and leading the interactions more and more. You write beautifully.
Thank you. I talk about this balance a lot in many contexts. Bold words, plus subtle kino. Bold eye contact, plus subtle words. Giving more physical attention to one girl while more verbal/eye attention to the other. It is a respectful balance of powerful masculine energy.
>>>One thing I am curious about. From reading some of your earlier reports from 2005, you did a lot of cold approaching with great results. I am interested as to why you started to use sites like Craig's List, as online game is very different from cold approach work.
Cold approaching fits into the context of pickup. Online stuff in the context of seduction. I have little patience for pickup -- I assertively go for same night lays -- but tons of patience for seduction -- as demonstrated here.
Are you just looking for new ways to challenge yourself?
No. Currently I am looking for a LTR who values my sexual ability, confidence, and awareness. Someone to be a leader and lover -- to surrender to the power of shared intimacy and devotion. For this woman, her every desire will become reality. That kind of knowingness can be intimidating, so you're right -- it is a challenge.
Great question. GS
Appreciate your response. Cheers!
I'll be honest... It's going to take me a week to process all of the lessons in this post. I wanted to wait until I had digested the entire course you laid out in this story but I became so full of gratitude for the quality of this post I had to say thanks for taking the time to lay it out here for me to learn from.
I still use the "finger length" gambit you taught me as a bit of chick crack. I love that one because its fun and seems incidental without all the BS of palm reading.
Thanks for being real.
Ok, I'm blushing and having trouble catching my breath! Great post..what lucky ladies!!
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